South-East Asia on Track with Mass Transit Railways
A number of cities, including Toronto and Vancouver, are constructing mass transit railways in an attempt to overcome the inadequate road systems, where simply travelling five blocks can take over an hour. In this article, we take a look at this form of transport in three South-East Asian cities: Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.
Bangkok is a thriving city with a population of over nine million, and a further three million who travel into the city every day. Well-known for the terrible daily traffic jams, the Thai government desperately needed a transport system that would reduce pressure on the already busy roads. In 1992, city administrators embarked upon the Sky Train project, notable for several reasons.
First of all, the government was reluctant to invest public funds in the huge project (around $1.7 billion), so private investment had to be found. In the end, a conglomerate including Siemens and the Italian-Thai Construction Company won the contract but in 1997, when the Asian economic crisis hit, the whole enterprise nearly collapsed when nervous investors wanted to pull the plug. A second major issue was the actual construction, which was taking place in the middle of the road and, whilst accidents were rare, a taxi driver was killed when a beam fell from one of the viaducts. Construction was stopped for two months and stricter safety rules were implemented. A further difficulty involved personnel who all had to be trained from scratch.
由標題中的South-East Asia與Mass Transit Railways,我們可以預測文章主要是討論東南亞國家的大眾捷運系統。繼續略讀斜體字部份的文章摘要,我們可以了解文章在討論Bangkok、Kuala Lumpur、Singapore三個城市的捷運系統。此時,我們可以預測文章的結構,應該是依序討論Bangkok、Kuala Lumpur、Singapore三個城市捷運系統的發展。至於段落A與B,在快速略讀之後,我們可以了解,段落A的大意是「Bangkok的捷運系統稱為Sky Train」,段落B的大意則是「Bangkok在興建Sky Train系統時所遭遇到的困難」。
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