







Original: Joel Rouse/ Ministry of DefenceDerivative: nagualdesign, OGL 3, via Wikimedia Commons

📝 英文單字線上學

  • reign統治;當政(n.)
  • head of state 元首,在台灣則是總統president
  • accede to the throne 就任王位
  • abdication退位(n.)
  • heir presumptive 推定繼承人
  • British colonies 英國殖民地
  • early 1980s recession 1980早期的大蕭條(二戰之後最嚴重的經濟衰退)
  • financial crisis of 2008 也就是Lehman Brothers雷曼兄弟次級房貸引起的經濟危機
  • Brexit British + exit 兩個字的合體,也就是英國脫歐(n.)
  • coronation speech 加冕演說
  • in sincerity 真誠地
  • pledge myself to 宣誓要…
  • strive努力(v.)

網球名將Roger Federer宣布退休






📝 英文單字線上學

  • magnitude 規模(n.)
  • cement factory 水泥工廠
  • be injured 受傷
  • epicenter 震央(n.)
  • collapse 倒塌(v.)
  • foreshock 前震(n.)
  • derail 火車出軌(v.) dereailment (n.)
  • canopy 遮雨棚(n.)
  • stress 強調(v.)
  • be suspended 被暫時中止
  • earthquake-triggered 地震導致的(adj.)
  • landslide 山崩(n.)
  • power shortage 電力短缺(n.)



六台自強號402列車車廂在水泥棚掉落後出軌。台鐵行政員工強調20位乘客在出軌前已離開車廂。 花蓮和台東之間的列車因為鐵軌和纜線損壞而暫停行駛。



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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away on 9/08 2022, making her reign the longest of any female head of state in history (70 years). Her father King George VI acceded to the throne in 1937 after the abdication of his brother King Edward VIII, making Elizabeth II the heir presumptive.

During her reign, the U.K. went through plenty of political as well as economic crises, especially the independence of British colonies, the early 1980s recession, the financial crisis of 2008, and Brexit. However, Queen Elizabeth II always made public speeches in support of her people during these difficult times.

During her coronation speech on June 2, 1953, there’s a paragraph that touched people’s hearts,“I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust.”

Swiss Tennis legend Roger Federer announced on Thursday of 9/19, that he would retire from the competitive tennis. He would make his final competitive match at the Laver Cup in London a week after his announcement.

Roger Federer once said, “I’m 41 years old; I have played more than 1,500 matches over 24 years. Tennis has treated me more generously than I would have dreamed, and now I must recognize when it is time to end my competitive career.”

Federer rocked the professional tennis field with his record-breaking achievements in history, 103 tour singles titles, 20 Grand Slam singles titles, 310 weeks ranked No.1 and a record six victories in season-ending tour finals. On top of all, he was never forced to stop playing a match he had started because of an injury.

“It was a sad day for me and for sports around the world,” Nadal said on the social network, being a friend and rival of Federer. He also mentioned that it was a privilege to share so many memories on and off the court.

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southeastern Taiwan at 2:44 p.m. on 9/19. A cement factory worker was killed, and 79 people were injured. The epicenter of this earthquake was located in Chihshang Township, Taitung County, and it caused an apartment building and two bridges in Hualien to collapse. It was the most powerful earthquake in Taiwan so far this year, following a 6.4 magnitude foreshock late on 9/18.

Six cars of Express Train No. 402 derailed after being hit by a falling concrete canopy. The Taiwan Railways Administration stressed that 20 passengers had left the train before the derailment. Train services were suspended between Hualian and Taitung County due to damages to railway tracks and cables along railway lines.

Nearly 400 travelers were trapped on Chikeshan in Yuli Township, since a road was Damaged by an earthquake-triggered landslide. Power outages were also reported in parts of Taipei City, New Taipei City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City and Taitung County.


首圖來源:Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

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