
謝謝爸爸!美國父親節由來,Happy Father's Day!



“A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again.”-English writer Enid Banold


美國的父親節 6月的第三個週日

Father’s Day is a celebration honoring fathers’ efforts and dedication. Not every country or region celebrates it on the same day. In Taiwan, Father’s Day was set on the 8th of August because “Father” and “the eighth (day) of the eighth (month)” are puns. However, in many parts of the world including the U.S., their Father’s Day is the third Sunday of June.


父親節的由來 由來 1

In 1908, a woman Glace Golden Clayton living in West Virginia suggested her pastor that the church honor over 3oo men killed by a mining disaster that happened a year before, leaving their children fatherless.

第一種說法是,1908年,一位住在西維吉尼亞州的女子克萊頓(Glace Golden Clayton)有感於前一年發生的礦坑災難,造成300多名男子死亡,留下他們的遺孀和孩子,於是她向牧師建議,透過教會向父親致意。

父親節的由來 由來 2

A woman named Sonora Dodd lived in Washington. Her mother died of obstructed labor when she was 13. Her father remained single for the rest of his life, raising his six children until he passed away. After Sunday school on Mother’s Day, she suggested her pastor that he set a holiday in memory of fathers. On June 19th,1910 in Washington, the first Father’s Day gathering in the world was held.

第二種說法是,一位住在華盛頓州的女子杜德(Sonora Dodd),13歲那年遭遇母親難產逝世,父親終生不再娶,父兼母職撫養6名孩子直到去世。杜德在母親節感恩禮拜後,與教會牧師商量設立一個感念父親的節日,在1910年6月19日於華盛頓州,舉行了全世界首度的父親節聚會。


In 1966, Lyndon B. Johnson announced his first presidential proclamation honoring fathers’ dedication, officially set the third Sunday of June as Father’s Day without legislative support. It was not until 1972 when President Richard Nixon signed the bill and set Father’s Day as a national holiday.

1966年,詹森(Lyndon B. Johnson)首度發表總統文告推崇父親的貢獻,並且明確將父親節訂為每年6月的第3個星期日,不過仍然缺乏立法支持。一直到1972年,尼克森(Richard Nixon)總統才簽署法案,將父親節列入國定節日。

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